Karnataka State Bar Council
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    (5) The State council concerned shall cause such fresh election to be held as may be ordered under sub-rule (3) of this rule.

    (6) The parties shall be entitled to obtain copies of the Order or the decision of the council or of the Committee, as the case may be, on payment of the charges, if any, prescribed therefore under the rules of the Council. The Chairman of the council or the President of the Committee, as the case may be, may also permit copies of any other part of the record of the enquiry to be furnished on payment of such charges as may be prescribed during he pendency of the election petition.

B. Expiry of term of office of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Members of Committees of the Council.

    11. A member of the Council elected as Chairman or Vice-Chairman or Member of any Committee of the Council, shall cease to hold office as such Chairman, Vice-Chairman or Member of Committee, on the expiry of his term as a member of the Bar Council of India.

C. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

      (a) The election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be held at the meeting of the Council.

      (b) At every such meeting for the election of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, if he is not a candidate, shall preside. In the absence of the Vice-Chairman, a member of the Council who is not a candidate, elected by the members present, shall preside.

      (c) In the case of the election of the Vice-Chairman, the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, if he is not a candidate shall preside.

      In the absence of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, any member of the Council who is not a candidate, elected by the members present, shall preside.

      (d) (i) The name of the candidate for the election shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another member at the meeting.

      (ii) No member shall propose or second more than one name.

      (iii) If only one member had been duly nominated, he shall be declared elected.

      (iv) Any candidate nominated may withdraw before voting takes place.

      (e) If the number of candidates duly nominated is more than one, there shall be an election by secret ballot.

      (f) The Secretary shall provide voting papers with the names of the candidates. Each voting paper shall bear the signature of the Secretary.

      (g) A voter in giving his vote shall place on his voting paper a mark 'X' against the name of the candidate of his choice.

    The voting paper shall not be signed by the voter and in the event of any erasures, obligations of alterations in the voting paper, or of the voting paper purporting to have been signed by the voters, the voting paper shall be deemed to have been defaced, and the vote purporting to have been given thereby shall not be taken into account for the purposes of the election. The decision of the Chairman of the meeting whether the voting paper has or has not been defaced shall by final.

    A. Voting Paper shall be invalid on which

    (i) The mark 'X' is not made, or

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