Karnataka State Bar Council
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Karnataka State Bar Council,Old K.G.I.D.BLDG., Bangalore


The Legal profession has been considered as a noble profession and advocates play prominent role in the Society. It is for the Advocates to act as a role model for the general public. It is significant to note that most of the freedom fighters were Members of the legal profession. Unlike other professions, the advocates have always played an important role in public Life and in upholding the moral standards. The leaders of Bar will have to necessarily project the high standards of the profession.

It is the matter of concern that in recent days there has been deterioration in professional ethics and moral standards. This deteriorating trend is reflected in the procedure that is followed by the Bar Associations to choose their leaders. For want of proper leadership, the growth of the Bar Association has stunted. It has come to the notice of the Council that the elections to various Bar Associations are influenced by irrelevant considerations. Similar deterioration has also seeped to the elections held to the Bar Council. Therefore, it is a matter of imperative need concern that the manner and mode of elections to the Bar Associations should be revamped forthwith. Advocates practicing in one place are getting Membership of another Association with the intention of voting for a particular candidate. Such Membership is obtained at the instance of the contesting candidate. This has resulted in a situation where the office bearers of the Bar Association do not really reflect the aspiration of its Members.

It has come to the notice of the Council that different types of bye laws are in existence in respect of different Bar Associations. This has posed an in adherence to the unity and integrity of the State Bar. Sec. 2 (b) of the Karnataka Advocates Welfare Fund Act, 1983 defines Bar Association as "An Association of advocates recognized by the Bar Council under Sec. 13". Sec 13 of the Act provides for recognition of the Association. The concerned Association should produce the bye laws of their Association along with the application seeking for recognition. On grant of such recognition, a Certificate of Registration will be issued by the Bar Council. It is now proposed to amend Bye law 3 of the Karnataka Advocates Welfare Fund Bye laws which clearly specifies that the Association should be registered in accordance with the Bye laws. In this regard, the model bye laws will be provided as part of the Bye laws itself. If the model bye laws is not adopted by the Association it would deprive the Members of the concerned Association from taking the advantage of the welfare measures provided by the Bar Council. It is the duty of the Council to promote the growth of the Bar Association and effectively implement the Welfare Scheme. The proposed model bye laws will serve as an effective Bye law for growth and the development of the Bar.

1. (i) These Common Bye-laws shall be called as "Common Bye-laws of the Advocates / Bar Association"
    (ii) These Bye Laws are applicable to all Advocates/ Bar Associations situated in the State of Karnataka.
    (iii) The Registered office of the Association shall be at ........
2. (i) The Bar Association, hereinafter called as "The Association" shall be a Society registered under the provisions of Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1961 and shall consist of all those persons who have signed the Memorandum of Association and all others who become Members of the Association by or under these Bye laws and continue to be Member.
    (ii) The Association shall have perpetual succession and shall sue and be sued by its name, through its Secretary or through such other person as may be authorized by the Executive Committee

3. OBJECTS : The objects of the Association are:
   a. To promote the development of legal studies and assist in sound legislation;
   b. To safeguard and promote the interest of the legal profession and its Members in general and of the Members of the Association in particular;
   c. To promote high professional standard and conduct amongst the Members of the legal profession and to check unprofessional practices;
   d. To co-ordinate and assist Bar Council in implementation of the provisions of the Advocates Act, Karnataka Advocates Welfare Fund Act and to promote unity among the Members of Bar Associations throughout the State.
   e. To maintain a library of legal literature, to conduct Seminars/Lectures on current issues and other subjects;
   f. To provide a meeting place for the Members of the Association pa rticularly for study and discussion of subjects relating to law;
   g. To bring to the notice of the Bar Council, the High Court, the Supreme Court or the Central or State Governments matters affecting legal profession in general and the Members of the Association in particular;
   h. To prepare and implement schemes for giving assistance to Members and their families;
   i. To protect the independence, unity and autonomy of the Bar.
   j. To safeguard the rights, privileges and interests of Advocates;
   k. To promote the growth of Bar Association;
   l. To promote and support law reforms;
  m.To ensure that all the Members of the Bar Association are Members of Karnataka Advocates Welfare Fund;
  n. To organize legal aid to the poor
  o. To manage and invest the funds of the Bar Association in a proper and lawful manner,
  p To do all such acts and take such steps as might be necessary for the well being of Members of Associations, or for the fulfillment of these objects.

4. MEMBERSHIP : The Association shall have the following classes of Members,
a) Honorary Members : being or having been a Member of the legal profession who, because of distinguished achievement or service to the cause of law or the legal profession, has been admitted, by the Association as an Honorary Member on payment of prescribed fees.
b) Life Member : An advocate regularly practicing in that Court who becomes a Life Member by paying the amount prescribed in this regard by the Association.
c) Associate Member : Being an advocate not ordinarily practicing in that Court, who has been admitted by the Executive Committee as an Associate Member, or is such a Member under these Bye Laws on payment of prescribed fees.
d) Ordinary Member : being an Advocate regularly practicing in that Court and who has been admitted by the Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member or is such a Member under these Bye Laws on payment of prescribed fees.

5. The Executive Committee shall prepare and maintain a Register of Members of the Association and shall classify all those who have become Members in respective category of Membership.

6. i) Any person enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of Karnataka wishing to become an Ordinary/ Associate / Life Member may apply in writing in the prescribed form to the Secretary of the Association for admission. The application shall be affixed with photograph and the enrolment certificate should be enclosed.
ii) Such Advocates shall be entitled to hold the Ordinary Membership / Life Membership of only one Association i.e. the Association of the court where he is actively and regularly practicing. However, he can become Associate and Honorary Member of other Associations.
iii) Such Advocate shall file a declaration declaring that he is not a Ordinary / Life Member of any other Association in the State of Karnataka.
iv) The Secretary of the Bar Association shall prepare the Roll of the Advocates regularly practicing in that Court duly approved by the Executive Committee.
v) No person other than the one who is on the State Roll of Bar Council and who is a Member of Karnataka State Advocates Welfare Fund will be eligible to become Ordinary / Life Member of that Association.
vi) An Associate Member can become either an Ordinary or Life Member of the Association provided he / she satisfies the requisite conditions.
vii) The Advocate applying for Membership will have to pay the Admission fee as well as the Membership fee as decided by the Association.
viii) The Executive Committee shall issue identity card and such identity card shall be proof of Membership of the Association. However, the same will no longer be valid on the advocates ceasing to be a Member of the Association. In such event the identity card shall be surrendered by the Member of the Association.

7. Every Ordinary / Life / Associate / Honorary Member shall pay a monthly / consolidated subscription at such rates as decided by the Bar Association.

8. Any Member whose subscription is in arrears for a continuous period of three months, his name shall be notified in notice board, by the Secretary of the Association, to pay the same within 15 days from the date of the publication. If such Member fails to pay the arrears within that time, he shall have no voting right and will also not be entitled to any other privileges of Membership.

9. Any person, who has been admitted as Ordinary Member by the Executive Committee shall from the date of admission be entitled to all the privileges of Membership.
Provided that, no Member shall be admitted 30 days prior to the date of General Body Meeting wherein election is being held.

10. OFFICE BEARERS :- (i) : The Association shall have the following office bearers who shall be elected once in two years in the Annual General Body Meeting. The Association at their option may provide for more than one post of Vice President, Joint Secretary.
i. A President
ii. General Secretary
iii. A Vice President - Optional
iv. A Treasurer
v. A Joint Secretary - Optional
In respect of Association having more than one unit, a Sub Committee for each unit may be provided headed by a Vice President elected from such unit.
(ii) A Member, who has held the office, for a consecutive period of two terms will not be entitled to contest the ensuing elections in sequence for the same post. However, he can recontest for the same post after a gap of two years i.e. one term.
(iii) Among the office bearers, Joint Secretary and Treasurer shall be directly elected by the General Body. The post of Vice President and Joint Secretary if available, can be filled up by the Executive Committee by holding election among themselves within a period of 30 days from the date of its first meeting.

11. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE :- The affairs of the Association shall be managed and its entire business including the investment of its funds shall be conducted by and under the control of Executive Committee consisting of :-
i. Office bearers;
ii) The Member of Karnataka State Bar Council who is actively practicing in and is Member of any Bar Association within that District, if available, will be an invitee;
iii) Six Members or such more or less number of Members at the option of the Association.
iv) The Association shall endeavour to provide a representation to a Lady Member in the Executive Council.

i. President - An Ordinary / Life Member having completed 10 years as a Member of the Association.
ii. Vice President - An Ordinary / Life Member having completed 10 years as a Member of the Association.
iii. General Secretary - An Ordinary / Life Member having completed 8 years as a Member of the Association..
iv. Treasurer - An Ordinary / Life Member having completed 5 years as a Member of the Association..
v. Joint Secretary - An Ordinary / Life Member having completed 5 years as a Member of the Association.
vi. Executive Committee – An Ordinary / Life Member having completed 2 years as a Member of the Association.
a) The General Body of Bar Association may reduce / increase the number of qualifying years with due intimation to Bar Council. The period of professional practice shall be reckoned with reference to the date of publication of calendar of events.
b) If for any reason, there is no contestant to any particular post the same will be filled up by the Executive Committee by nomination within One month from the date of first meeting of the Executive Committee.
d) If a vacancy arises due to death, resignation, expulsion or due to continuous absence for a period exceeding THREE months, the same shall be filled up by nomination amongst Members by the Seniors Committee. Such nomination shall come to an end on expiry of term of the Executive Committee.
e) A Member shall not contest for more than one post at a time.

i. The term of office of Executive Committee shall be two years.
. ii. The Executive Committee and the office bearers shall hold the election 15 days prior to the completion of their term.
iii. The Executive Committee and Office bearers may continue in office in exceptional circumstances for a further period of 60 days with the prior approval of Seniors Committee for the reason to be recorded within which period they will get the election completed, failing which the administration of the Association will vest in the Seniors Committee, who in turn will hold the election at the earliest as per bye laws preferably within another one month. .

1. The Executive Committee shall, subject to the approval of the General body.
i. Be responsible for the safe custody of the property and assets of the Association and the proper and lawful investment of its funds;
ii. Make arrangements for the maintenance, up keep of the library and its proper use by the Members;
iii. Control the use of the accommodation available to the Association;
iv. Prepare the Annual Budget of the Association and regulate expenditure in accordance with the Budget;
v. Call the Annual General Meeting and other meeting of the Association
vi. Make bye laws for carrying out the objects and activities of the Association for which provision is not made under these bye laws;
vii. Do all the other acts necessary for the fulfillment of the objects of the Association
viii. Appointment, promotion, leave and dismissal of the employees of the Association and other matters relating to discipline and control of employees.
2. The Executive Committee may delegate any of its function, or any specific work to any sub committee constituted by it, or to any of its Member or office bearer.

15. FUNCTIONS OF THE PRESIDENT :- The President of the Association shall;
i. Preside and conduct all meetings of the Association and Executive Committee
ii. The President shall be responsible for proper functioning of the Association.
iii. Represent the Association whenever a formal representation is necessary and
iv. Perform such other functions as might be required by the Bye laws or the bye laws of the Association.

16. FUNCTIONS OF THE VICE PRESIDENT :- The Vice President of the Association shall;
i Perform the functions of the President, when the President is absent from Headquarters or is not available.
ii. Perform such other functions as may be required to perform by these Bye laws of the bye laws of the Association.

17. FUNCTIONS OF THE SECRETARY :- The Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and it shall be his duty to give effect to the resolutions of the General Body and of the Executive Committee. Subject to such directions or limitations as may be contained in these Bye laws or in the resolutions of the Association or of the Executive Committee, he shall have the power of :-
i) Spending the funds of the Association in accordance with the Budget, in paying the salaries of the servants, in purchasing books, furniture and materials for the printing press and for other purposes connected with the management of the Association, the cause list and the library, in accordance with the directions of Executive Committee and for this purpose to operate the Bank Accounts of the Bar Association. The expenditure shall be within the limits, if any, fixed by Executive Committee or General Body.
ii) Keeping and maintenance of the accounts. and minutes of the meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee.
iii) To generally supervise the working of the various activities of the Association,
iv) To get audited the accounts of the Association; and
v) To perform such other functions as he might be required to perform by these Bye laws or the bye laws of the Association.
18. FUNCTIONS OF THE JOINT SECRETARY :- (wherever the post of Joint Secretary is provided)
The Joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary in discharge of his duties. In the absence of the Secretary, the Joint Secretary shall act for him in all matter that calls for an immediate disposal and discharge such other functions as may be decided by the Executive Committee / Association / General Body.

19. FUNCTIONS OF THE TREASURER :- The Treasurer shall be responsible for :
i. Checking the income and expenditure of the Association;
ii. Preparing the annual budget of the Association for being placed before the Executive Committee;
iii. Regulation of expenditure in accordance with the Budget, the Bye laws and the bye laws;
iv. Advising the Executive Committee on all matters relating to financial policy;
v. Performing such other functions as might be assigned to him by the Executive Committee.
vi. The Treasurer shall operate banks and other financial accounts along with the President

20. QUORUM : - Simple majority inclusive of office bearers shall form the quorum for the meeting of the Executive Committee. In case quorum is not there the meeting can be adjourned and for the adjourned meeting no quorum would be required.

21. MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE :-The Executive Committee shall meet as often as may be necessary and all the provisions in these Bye laws relating to the meeting of the Association shall apply mutatis mutandis to such meetings of the Executive Committee.

22. ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING :- The Annual General Body Meeting of the Ordinary / Life Members of the Association shall be held every year before the end of March on a date fixed by the Executive Committee.

23. BUSINESS :- Annual General Body Meetings of the Association shall;
i. Pass the audited annual accounts, the annual report and sanction the budget for the year from the 1st of April to the 31st March;
ii. Adopt such resolutions as might be brought forward for guiding the activities of the Association or its bodies; and
iii. Appoint the auditor for the ensuing year.

i. The Executive Committee may, at any time and shall within 10 days on requisition given as per Bye Law convene Special General Body Meeting of the Ordinary / Life Members of the Association, and, in case of emergency, the President or the Secretary may also convene such Special General Body Meeting.
ii) A Special General Body Meeting of the Ordinary / Life Members of the Association shall be convened by the President / Secretary on the requisition of 1/5th of Ordinary/ Life Members.
iii) In respect of Bar Association having Membership of more than 1000 or more the Special General Body Meeting can be called on a requisition of 200 or more Members.
iv) If the Executive Committee fails to convene the Special General Body Meeting within the time specified under this Bye Law on the requisition, the Seniors Committee shall convene the Special General Body Meeting within a week to be presided over by the Members of the Senior Committee as may be decided.

25. NOTICE OF MEETINGS : - Notice of 7 clear days shall be given for holding Special General Body. In case of emergency relating to subject which cannot be postponed for 7 days, a special General Body Meeting may be called, in like manner but at such shorter notice as may be considered sufficient by the President / Secretary, which will not be in any case less than 24 hours.

26. Notice of a meeting shall be given by fixing the notice along with the agenda on the notice boards of the Association.

27. QUORUM :-
i. 1/5th of the total Members or hundred Ordinary Members (including office bearers ) whichever is less shall form quorum for the Annual General Body Meeting or special General Body Meeting of the Association.
ii. If at any time during the course of a meeting, the attention of the person presiding is drawn to the fact that number of Members present has fallen short of the quorum required, the person presiding, after ascertaining the truth of the facts, shall forthwith dissolve the meeting but any business already transacted shall be deemed to be validly transacted.
iii. If a meeting has been adjourned for want of a quorum, no quorum shall be necessary for the next meeting held after the issue of the usual notice and with the same agenda provided that an extra Ordinary meeting of the Association called at the requisition of the Members under Bye law 32 above, shall not on the same requisition, be called a second time if it has been adjourned once for want of quorum. Senior most Member of the Senior Committee available may preside in the absence of the President and the Vice President.

28. In the absence of the President or the Vice President or senior Member of the Seniors Committee of the Association any Member present may be elected to preside at a meeting of the Association.

29. Except, as herein after provided, all questions at the meetings of the Association shall be decided by a majority of the votes of Members present and voting. The participation of Ordinary / Life Members will be recorded on the register in their eligible signature. The person presiding shall have a second or casting vote in case of tie. No voting by proxy shall be allowed.

30. The decisions arrived at a meeting shall be binding on all Members of the Association. The Secretary and the Joint Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all the meetings held under the provisions herein contained. Such record shall be open to inspection by Members of the Association only.

i. The fund of the Association shall consist of all sums received by or on behalf of the Association
ii. The property of the Association shall consist all property received or acquired by or on behalf of the Association. Acquisition Custody or Disposal of Funds and property of the Association.
iii. All funds and properties of the Association shall be under the direct control and management of the Association and shall be acquired, maintained and disposed of in accordance with these Bye laws or bye laws, in furtherance of the object of the Association.
iv. No Member of the Association shall on ceasing to be a Member of the Association, have any right to or claim upon any fund or property of the Association, or to the use of such property.

i The funds of the Association shall be kept in a Nationalised Bank and shall be operated by the Treasurer along with either the President or Secretary of the Association.
ii. The Treasurer shall cause to be kept an account of all receipts and disbursement made by or on behalf of the Association, during the year.
iii. The Accounts shall be audited, once every year, by a qualified
auditor, appointed by the Annual General Meeting or failing such appointment by any other General Meeting of the Association. Audited Annual Accounts to be presented at the Annual General Meeting.
iv. The Account kept and audited in accordance with Bye law shall be submitted, along with the Audit Report and the Budget, to the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

33. EXPLUSION OF MEMBERS :- The Association may at a General Body Meeting , specially convened for the purpose of which 14 day's notice has to be given by resolution adopted by a majority of not less than two thirds of the Ordinary / Life Members of the Association present and voting by secret ballot suspend for one year an Ordinary Member on any of the following grounds:-
i) Professional misconduct,
ii) Conviction for an offence involving moral turpitude, or
iii) Gross misconduct unbecoming of a Member of the Bar.
Provided that notice of the meeting shall be given to the Member concerned and he shall be entitled to be heard before any decision is taken by the Association.

34. SUSPENSION :- Any Member of the Association who is guilty of continued infraction of the Bye laws herein contained or of any bye laws made there under, shall be liable for suspension of six months by a vote of the majority of the Members present at a General Body Meeting of the Association.

There shall be a “Seniors Committee” for the Association consisting of three Senior most Members of the Association actively and regularly practicing in that court. The decision of the Executive Committee regarding the composition of the Seniors Committee shall be final.
(i) As far as the Bangalore Bar Association is concerned, five designated Senior Most Advocates actively practicing in High Court by virtue of their seniority in profession shall be the Members of the Seniors Committee.
(ii) In respect of the District Court the seniority of the Members of the Seniors Committee will be determined taking into account the date of their enrolment as an Advocate by the Bar Council and having atleast rendered 20 years of regular practice in that Court and continuing as regular practitioner of that Court. In respect of taluk courts, the Members of the Seniors Committee should have atleast rendered 10 years of regular practice.
(iii) Senior most Member of the Seniors Committee will be the Chairman.
(iv) The Senior Committee shall be constituted by the Executive Committee preferably within Six months from the date of its first meeting or within such extended time as decided by the General Body.
(v) The Executive Committee should consult the Seniors Committee wherever issue arise which concern the Advocates Community at large.

36. ELECTION : -
(i) The Executive Committee shall, 75 days before the expiry of their term fix the date of election, appoint one or more of the Senior Members of the Association as Returning Officer to conduct the election and the order of such appointment shall be affixed on the notice board of the Association.
(ii) The Executive Committee can fix the amount of security deposit for various posts which shall not be refundable after the nomination is accepted and found valid.
(iii) The General Secretary shall forthwith publish the list of Members whose subscription is in arrears and call upon them to pay their dues within 15 days thereafter.
(iv) The General Secretary shall publish the draft voters list and invite objections for the same which shall be filed within a period of 7 days from the date of publication.
(v) The draft voters list shall be finalized within a period of 15 days from the date of its publication and it shall be the voters list for the election.
.(vi) The Returning Officer shall draw and publish on the Notice Board, the calender of events of the election which shall be completed within a period of 15 days.
(vii) In the Calender of events the last date for filing nomination which shall be 7 clear days before the date of election, date of scrutiny, date of withdrawal which shall be 3 clear days before the date of election.
(viii) The Returning Officer shall provide ballot paper disclosing the name of the candidate to the post duly signed by him and the voting shall be by secret ballot.
(ix) A voter in giving his vote shall place in his ballot paper the mark 'X' against the name of the candidate of his choice. The voting shall be by secret ballot.
(x) In case of doubt or dispute regarding mark 'X' and in the event of any erasures or alterations or marking. The decision of the Returning Officer shall be final in all matters relating to the election process.
(xi) The Returning Officer shall count the valid votes immediately after the close of voting in the presence of candidates or their representatives who choose to be present .
(xii) The candidates securing the highest number of votes shall be declared elected by the Returning Officer. In case of two or more candidates securing an equal number of votes, the Returning Officer shall decide the election by drawing lots.
(xiii) The result of the election shall be sent to the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee notify the same on the notice board of the Association. The election result shall be intimated to the Bar Council. (xiv) The Identity Card shall be produced by the Member at the time of voting.
(xv) The Returning Officer shall hold the election under the guidance of the Senior Committee. It is open to the Senior Committee to constitute separate panel of advocates for supervising the election consisting of those persons who were not contesting the election and not campaigning for anyone

37. NOTICE :- The notice displayed on the Notice Board of the Association shall be deemed to be a sufficient notice to all the Members.

38. BYE LAWS :- Subject to these Bye Laws the Executive Committee may, from time to time, frame further Bye Laws or regulations, for the purpose of carrying out the objects or regulating the activities of the Association. Such Bye Laws can only be in addition to the present Bye Laws or regulations and shall not be in any way contrary to the existing Bye Laws. Such Bye Laws shall become effective only after it is approved by the Bar Council.

39. TRANSITIONAL PROVISION :- The Association shall get itself registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1961 within a period of three months or such extended period, as provided by the Bar Council. During this period the existing office bearers shall continue in office till the expiry of their term as per present bye laws. On the expiry of their term as per previous bye laws, the election shall be held as per these Bye Laws.


1. THAT the Applicant wishes to become the Member of the Bar Association as Ordinary / Associate / Life Member.
2. THAT the Application of the Applicant has been proposed and seconded by continuing Ordinary / Life Member of the Association for last 5 years.
3. THAT the Applicant neither applied nor intends to obtain the Ordinary / Life Member of any other Association.
4. THAT the Applicant is actively and regularly practising in the Court, the Association of which he wishes to become the Member
5. THAT the particulars of his enrolment with Bar Council of Karnataka are given hereunder:
1. Name of the Applicant ____________________________
2. Father's & Mother's Name of the Applicant ______________________________________
3. Permanent Address of the Applicant ______________________________________
4. Local Address of the Applicant ______________________________________
5. Enrolment Number with the Bar Council of Karnataka ______________________________
6. Name of the Association, if any, of which he is an honorary or Associate
Member _______________
6. THAT the applicant's name finds place at Serial No. ________ on the Roll of the Advocates regularly practising in the Court prepared by the Secretary of the Bar Association duly approved by the Executive Committee.
7. THAT the applicant has not been convicted for any offence related to moral turpitude or is involved in any criminal case pending under the provisions of the IPC / Cr.PC or has not been punished misconduct under the provisions of Advocates Act.
8. THAT the applicant has also read over and understood the Bye laws governing the professional misconduct and etiquette framed by the Bar Council of India provided by the Bar Council of Karnataka at the time of enrolment and undertakes to adhere to it.
9. THAT the applicant is hereby submitting the Admission Fee as well as undertakes to pay the Membership Subscription of the Association regularly as and when it falls due.
10. THAT the applicant is a Member and has paid mandatory fee as specified under Karnataka Advocates Welfare Fund Act and Bye laws.
11. THAT the applicant has read over the BYE LAWS framed by the Bar Council of Karnataka and adopted by the Bar Association and he undertakes to act as per the provisions of the BYE LAWS and in case of violation of any provisions the Bar Association will be entitled to suspend my Membership.
12. THAT the applicant has to read the Bye Laws and has to verify that the Bar Association for which he is seeking for Membership is affiliated to the Bar Council of Karnataka and has adopted and obtained registration as per the COMMON BYE LAWS prescribed by the Karnataka State Bar Council.
13 THAT the applicant declares that he has not obtained the Memberships of any other Association and in any case he is not availing voting right in any other Association to which otherwise he is entitled to be a Member under BYE LAWS.
14. THAT the applicant undertakes to intimate the President of the Bar Association / Secretary, Bar Council of Karnataka in case subsequent to the grant of the Membership of the Association if he is involved in any Criminal Case, wherein he has been convicted and in that case my Membership will be deemed to have been extinguished.


The applicant named above hereby declares on oath that the averments in the application are true, correct are made after clearly understanding the same. In case of any violation of the provisions mentioned in the application as well as the BYE LAWS framed by the Bar Council of Karnataka. The applicant further undertakes that in case of violation of the provisions of the Bye law / Bye laws and the averments in the application Bar Associations can take consequential act including removal from the rolls of the Association.
Online Payment of Advocate's Welfare Fund