Vice-Chairman or any other office bearer against whom the motion is passed shall cease to hold office forth with.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Act or the rules made thereon, the Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall not preside
over the meeting in which the motion of 'No confidence' is discussed against him and such meeting shall be convened on a
notice of atleast one month. The Chairman or the Vice-Chairman shall have the right to vote, speak or take part in the
proceeding of the meeting.
(Rules under Section 15(2) (h) and (j) of the Act)
D. Powers and duties of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman
1. Notice of every meeting of the Council and the Committees shall ordinarily be sent by the
Secretary not less than 15 days before the date of the meeting, except when the Chairman or any two
members require a meeting to be called on short notice on grounds of urgency. No proceedings shall be
invalidated merely on the ground that the rule relating to notice is not strictly complied with.
2. Notice of the meeting shall specify the time and place of the meeting and shall
contain the agenda fixed for the meeting.
3. No member shall be entitled to bring forward for the consideration of the meeting any matter of which he
had not given ten days' notice to the Secretary, unless
the Chairman, in his discretion, permits him to do so.
4. The minutes of the previous meeting shall ordinarily be read and recorded at
the subsequent meeting.
5. The quorum for the meeting of the Council shall be seven and for all other Committees except the Executive
Committee and the Legal Education Committee, the quorum shall be two. The quorum for the Executive Committee and
the Legal Education Committee shall be four.
6. If urgent action by the Council or by any Committee of the Council other than a Disciplinary Committee becomes
necessary, the Chairman of the Councilor of such Committee, as the case may be, may permit the business to be
transacted by circulation of papers to the members of the Council or the Committee as the case may be. The action
proposed to be taken shall not be taken unless agreed to by a majority of the members of the Council or the
Committee, as the case may be. The action so taken shall be forthwith intimated to all the members of the
Councilor the Committee concerned. The papers shall be placed before the next meeting of the Councilor the
Committee concerned for confirmation.
7. The Councilor any Committee may adjourn from day to day or any particular
day, without further notice.
8. A member shall address the chair when speaking at a meeting of the Council and he shall be entitled to
speak only once on each subject, unless otherwise required or permitted by the Chairman to do so.
9. Save as otherwise provided in these rules, the decision on any matter shall be by majority, and in the
case of equality of votes, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
10. No matter once decided shall be reconsidered for a period of three months
unless the Council by a two-third majority of the members present so permits.
11. Any Committee may refer for advice any matter to the Council.
(Rules under Section 15(2) (h) and (j) of the Act)
1. The Council may appoint from amongst its members, one or more Committees as it may deem necessary,
in addition to those specified in the Act and delegate such
powers, duties, and functions to such Committees as it deems fit.
2. Any casual vacancy in the above Committees shall be filled up by the Council.
3. Save where the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman or a member of the Committee
or sub-committee, the committee or the sub-committee shall chose its Chairman for the meeting,
unless at the time of the constitution thereof the name of th~ Chairman has been specified.
4. Unless, otherwise determined at the time of election, the term of the members
of the Committees of the Council shall be as follows:
(a) Executive Committee - 2 years
(b) Disciplinary Committee - 3 years
(c) Legal Education Committee - 4 years
(d) Legal Aid Committee' - 2 years
(e) Advocates Fund Committee - 2 years
(f) any other committee not falling under the above clauses - 2 years
The Executive Committee
5. (1) The procedure for the election of the Members of the Executive Committee shall be
by secret ballot and in accordance with the rules in so far as they are applicable,
laid down in Rule 12, Chapter I Part II.
(2) A casual vacancy in the committee shall be filled up by election by the Council.
(3) The Committee shall elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The Chair:
man shall preside over the deliberations of the Committee and in his absence the Vice-Chairman shall preside.
(4) The Committee shall be the executive authority of the Council and shall be
responsible for giving effect to the resolutions of the Council. It shall have powers:
(a) to manage the funds of the Council;
(b) to invest the funds of the Council in the manner directed by the Council
from time to time;
(c) to grant lave to members of the staff, other than casual leave;
(d) to prescribe books of account, registers and files of the proper management
of the affairs of the Council,
(e) to appoint and supervise the work of the members of the staff and prescribe
their conditions of service;
(f) to appoint au.ditors and fix their remuneration;
(g) to consider the annual audit report and place it before the Council with its
comments for its consideration;
(h) to maintain a library and under the directions of the Council publish any
journal, treatise or pamphlets on legal subjects;
(i) to prepare and place before the Council the annual administration report
and the statement of account;