Karnataka State Bar Council
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. No candidate shall receive training with a guide, who has at the time of commence­ment of receiving training, more than two other candidates, except with, previous permission in writing of the State Bar council.

7. Every candidate shall be bound to receive training for the period of one year under the same guide except where the guide has died before the expiry of the period of one year or has ceased to practise, in which case the candidate shall receive training for the residue of the period with another guide where name has been approved by the State Bar Council afresh. The name of the second guide shall be approved by the State Bar Council on a written intimation by the candidate.

8. During the said period of training the candidate shall regularly attend the chamber or office of the guide, study case, papers, correspondence, draft, pleading, attend Courts and in particular study cases with a view to get acquainted with the practice in Courts and minimum attendance for 225 days in a calendar year shall be condition precedent for the completion of successful training.

9. (a) Every candidate shall maintain two diaries in the form approved by State Bar Council. One for work done in chambers and the other for work in Courts.The chamber diary shall contain day to day record of the work done by candidate in guide's chambers giving briefly the facts of the cases, studies of plaints, written statements, affidavits, grounds of appeal or revision etc. read and other matters looked into. The Court diary shall contain the date, the number of the cases attended, the arguments, the case law cited and the result.

The candidate shall write olft on the first page of each of his diaries, his name, serial number, the name of the guide, the place of training and the date of commencement of the training. The candidate shall also note separately in the second page of chambers diary the date of absence from chambers or Court, the dates despatch of the statements referred to in the rules hereunder and other important particulars connected with his training.

(b) Every candidate shall submit his Courts and chambers diaries to the guide for scrutiny atleast twice a month on or before the 5th and 20th of each month and obtain his signature with the dates in the chambers and Courts diaries.

(c) The diary maintained by the candidate duly signed by him and the guide after the completion of training be sent to the State Bar Council which shall be scrutinised by Enrolment Committee of the State Bar Council and in case of Enrolment Committee of the Bar Council is satisfied that the candidate has not undergone full and proper training in compliance with the rules, the State Bar Council may extend the period of training as

it may deem fit in the interest of legal profession.

During the period, however, when the Courts where the guide is practising are closed of summer recess or other recess, it shall be sufficient if the signatures of the guide are obtained in the diaries a week before such recess and again a week after the re-opening but 225 clear days training in any case shall be strictly made applicable. The number of days has been fixed considering the facts that Courts are closed in different vacations and thus the number of days for training has been reduced to 225 days only.

10. No candidate shall engage himself in any employment, profession, business, trade or calling during the course of training in any manner.

11. A guide from whom the candidate would receive training shall intimate to the Bar Council in writing the non-attendance of a candidate in training.

12. The Secretary of the State Bar Council shall maintain a separate register in which he shall enter the names of the candidates under going training in law with his address

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