Karnataka State Bar Council
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21. Appeal against decisions of trustee committee.-
(1) An appeal against any decision of the trustee committee shall lie to the Bar Council.

(2) The appeal shall be in the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by,

(a) a copy of the order appealed against; and

(b) a receipt evidencing payment of one hundred rupees to the credit of the Bar

Council, in any of the branches in Karnataka of any Scheduled Bank.

(3) The appeal shall be filed within thirty days from the date of receipt of the order appealed against.

4) The decision of the Bar Council on the appeal shall be final.

22. Printing and distribution of stamps by Bar Council (1) The Bar Council shall 1

1 cause to be pnnted Welfare Fund stamps of the value of [five rupees or ten rupees] with the Bar Council Emblem and its value inscribed there on.

(2). The welfare Fund stamps shall be of the size 11Ox2" and be sold only to members of the Fund.

(3) The custody of the welfare Fund stamps shall be with the Bar Council.

(4) The Bar Council shall control the distribution and sale of the welfare Fund stamps through bar associations.

(5) The Bar Council and the bar association shall keep proper accounts of the welfare Fund stamps in such form and in such manner as may be prescribed.

(6) The bar associations shall purchase the welfare Fund stamps from the Bar Council after paying the value thereof less ten per cent of such value towards incidental expenses.

23. Vakalath to bear stamps.- (1) Every 2[AdvocateF shall affix 3[welfare Fund stamps of the value of rupees ten]3 on every vakalath filed by him and no vakalath shall be filed before or received by any court, tribunal or other authority unless it is so stamped.

4[(1A) Every Advocate shall affix Welfare Fund stamp of the value of rupees five ont every interlocutory application.]4

1. Substituted by Act 6 of 1996 w.eJ. 02.04.1997 and again substituted by Act 18 of 2002 we.f. 15.04.2005.....

:: Substituted by Act 6 of 1996 w.e.f 02041997.r "

3 Substituted by Act 18 of 2002 W e.f. 1504.2005. /'

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