Karnataka State Bar Council
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The Bar Council shall send to the Government a monthly statement of income and expendirue, a monthly B - statement of receipts and payment in respect of the Welfare Fund stamps so as to reach the Government by 5th of succeeding month. The Bar Council shall also furnish such other rinformation and returns as may be specified by the Government from time to time. The Government may issue instructions to the Bar Council to ensure proper working of the scheme and the Bar Council shall be bound to carry out such instructions of the Government.

  1. Within 90 days from the close of every accounting year of the Bar Council, the Bar Council shall send to the Government audited annual income and expenditure statement and balance sheet in respect of the transactions relating to Welfare Fund Stamps, duly certified by a Chartered Accountant, along with a copy of the Auditor's Report.
  2. It shall be the duty of every Bar' Association to prepare forecast of their requirements of the stamps and inform the Bar Council in advance.
  3. Sale of Welfare Fund strnaps through Bar Association as provided under the Act & Rules - a discount of ten percent on the total and price of the stmaps purchased.
  4. Payment of the purchase of Welfare Fund Stamps shall be by means of CASH OR DEMAND DRAFT, drawn in favour of K.S.B.c. WELFARE FUND STAMPS ACCOUNTS.


Every Advocate shall affix one Welfare Fund Stamp on every vakalath filed by him and no vakalath shall be filed before or received by any court,tribunal or other authority unless it so stamped.

COLLECTION AMOUNT DUE TO THE FUND: 1.The amount set apart from the legal benefit fund under sub-section (2) of section 76 of the Karnataka Court Fees and suits valuation Act, 1958, shall be paid to the Fund before the 1st day of August of every year.

Thej2cretary of the Trustee Committee shall collect all sums specified in sub-section. (2) of section 3 of the Act and deposit the same in the fund account forthwith.The Bank account shall be jointly operated by the Secretary and the Chairman or the Treasurer of the Trustee Committee

Substituted by Notification No.LAWllO LCL 2005,@ated 27th May 2005)

3. Separate account shall be maintained for the receipts under each of clause (b) to (k) of sub-section 2 of

section 3 of the Act.

4. The proceeds of the Sale of Welfare Fund Stamps,effected under Section 22 of the Act, shall be paid by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Bar Council to the Secretary of the Trustee Committee within five days, from the close of each calendar month. Delayed payments shall carry interest at twelve percent per annum.

5. All payments under the Act and these rules by the Bar Council to the fund, shall be made in the form of an account payee cheque, drawn in favour of the Secretary.The Karnataka Advocate's Welfare Fund Trustee Committee.

FUNCTIONS OF TRUSTEE COMMITTEE:1. The Trustee Committee may receive applications for payment out of the Fund from any Member or his nominee as the case may be, in Form No. IV & IVA.

cr All disbursement of amounts payable under sections 16 or under section 20 of the Act shall be paid by Account payee cheques signed by the Secretary and the Chairman or the Treasurer.

The Trustee Committee shall send to t.he Bar Council and the Government quarterly and annual reports showing the receipts to and disbursements from the Fund and other particulars and on such other occasions as may be required by the Bar Council.

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