Karnataka State Bar Council
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9. Function of trustee committee.-(1) The trustee committee shall administer the Fund.

(2) In the administration of the Fund,the trustee committee shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and the rules made there under.­

(a) hold the amounts and assets belonging to the Fund in trust;

1 [(b) x x x r

(c) receive applications from the members of the Fund. their nominees or legal representatives, as the case may be, for payments out of the Fund, conduct such enquiry as it deems necessary for the disposal of such applications and dispose of the applications within 2[three months]2 from the date of receipt thereof;

(d) record in the minutes book of the trustee committee, its decisions on the applications

[(e) pay to the members amounts in accordance with section 16]3

(f) send such periodical and annual reports as maybe prescribed.to the State Government and the Bar Council;

3[(g) communicate to the applicants by registered post with acknowledgment due, the decisions of the trustee committee in respect of claims to the benefits of the fund;]3

(h) do such other acts as are, or may be.required to be done under this Act and the rules made there under.

10. Borrowing and investment.- (1) The trustee committee may, with the prior approval of the State Government and the Bar Council, borrow from time to time any sum required for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

(2) The trustee committee shall deposit all moneys and receipts forming' part of the Fund in any scheduled bank or invest the same in loans to any corporation owned or controlled by the Central Government or the State Government or in loans floated by the Central Government or the State Government or in any other manner as the Bar Council may, from time to time direct with the prior approval of the State Government

':'rni'tpd r/if '\ct 2', ,if 1993 w.ef 0204.1997"

" ;3ubst >tute-1 l)y ,i\ct18 01 2002 w,e.i. 15042005"'}.S.iJbstituted bv Ad 21 of 1993 If'1ef 0204.1997."

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